Detail from "Rain Dance," an original quilt by Sherrie Spangler

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Having trouble with a collage

The gallery where I sell my spirit dolls is having a mixed media show this year with the theme "Dreams of the Land." I love the theme, and my first thought was to do a collage using painted and stamped fabric, photo transfers and embroidery and beading. I would have a hiker gazing out over the desert whose sky was filled with petroglyph figures of past desert dwellers.

I got off to a good start with some fabric from my painted stash and a photo transfer of myself in my hiking gear gazing into the distance ...

... which I filled with stamped petroglyph figures and spirals using transparent and metallic fabric paints. 

I should have stopped there, but I thought it looked unfinished so I outlined each figure with a blue Pigma pen for more definition.

I still thought it looked unfinished, so I pulled out my Derwent watercolor pencils, which I probably haven't used in 10 years. It's been so long that I had to watch some Youtube tutorials on how to use them and activate them with water.

After I colored in each figure, I went over it with a brush dipped in water to make the colors bloom and become permanent.

I loved the effect of layering and blending different colors and had a lot of fun with it!

I let some of them fade into the background to add to the dreamy quality of the piece. Not outlining them with the Pigma pen would've made it even dreamier.

Then I fused the photocopy of myself onto the fabric and embroidered around it with a dusky purple wool thread. (I didn't have any good photos of a sitting hiker from the back, and it was too hot to take photos outside, so I took this sitting on my living room ottoman with a timer.)

I added the circular photograph of the desert to cover up an orange spiral that I had outlined with a gold marker that made the spiral too overpowering. I love the individual parts of the collage, but I don't love the final outcome. 

I think it's one hot mess!

So I put my hiker on another piece of painted fabric. Then I noticed a female figure formed by the painted lines and embroidered over her outline, thinking that would make it a "dreamy" collage. 

I had mixed feelings about the embroidered figure, but I went ahead and free-motion quilted the background, following the patterns made by the paint.

And it was another dud! 

I thought the embroidered figure looked hokey and not very good. But I like the colors, so I'll cut it up and make spirit dolls with it.

So, I'm starting a third one.  Here are my paints and stamps and I've printed some more photos on fabric (another technique I hadn't used in many years). Mercifully, these are small pieces, about 18 inches square, so I haven't wasted much fabric. I'm considering it a learning experience, although I do have the nagging feeling that I'm losing my touch.

Have a colorful day


The Idaho Beauty said...

I can so relate. Hoping you can find another use for those stamped and enhanced images - on their own individually they are very interesting. Perhaps third time's a charm? It's looks intriguing.

Judy Sall Fiber Art said...

You might not have hit your target yet, but keep playing... challenges are a good way to keep the creative juices flowing, and hopefully you're enjoying the process and staying cool while you're at it!

Robbie said...

I like the idea you had/did on the 2nd one! I thought it was cool!!!! You haven't lost it...when you're satisfied, you'll be very satisfied!

Mary Sherwood said...

Hi Sherrie: I am loving reading your posts. You are so creative! I understand the frustrations of not feeling the piece is going as you would like. The fabric are great and you will find the right combination.
Don't give up!

Sherrie Spangler said...

Thanks everyone for your kind comments and encouragement! I can't respond personally to some of you because I don't have your email, but know that I appreciate you taking the time to comment.