
Friday, July 5, 2024

Painting, partying and Juniper

I painted some more fabric, since it's too hot to do anything outside. (Going up to 108 today.) I really like how this one turned out. I let it dry on the plastic drop cloth, which had rumples in it that the paint responded to as it dried, giving it an interesting texture. The top picture is the front and the next picture is the back, which I like just as much!

I also crumpled a piece of painted fabric into a pie tin and let it dry like that, resulting in even more texture. I'll add more paint to this one -- probably some stamping and dragging.

It reminds me of the sky the other night.

Our book club partied on the Fourth, with a potluck and Mahjongg.

From left: Kathie, Judy, Beth, Meegan, Sandy, and me.

It started with Beth's Hugo spritzes made with elderberry liquor, Proseco, club soda, muddled mint, and a lime garnish. They looked refreshing, but since I can't tolerate alcohol I stuck to my iced tea with mint.

Meegan grilled vegetables sprayed with avocado oil and tossed with delicious seasonings:

We didn't go hungry! Here's my plate with a grilled turkey burger, baked beans, potato salad, the grilled veggies, broccoli slaw, cole slaw and fruit salad.

To top it off, Sandy made a delicious blackberry cobbler with vanilla ice cream.

Here we are at our Mahjongg tables, exercising our brains before eating. We learned to play last year so that we'd have an indoor activity to get us through the blistering summers. Kathie, in the pretty flowered top, who's an expert, taught us over many sessions. Beth's dog, Sunshine, wanted in on the action.

Juniper update: She's dabbling with solids and reading! I miss that little bundle of fun so much. My daughter picked up my appreciation of color. Notice how Juniper's outfits coordinate with what she's sitting and lying on.

 Have a colorful day

Monday, July 1, 2024

Sad news about Sherrill Kahn

After writing about Sherrill Kahn's creative books in my last post, I dug around online looking for information about what she's doing now, hoping I could follow her latest creations on Facebook or Instagram. When I couldn't find anything, I did what we always hate to do and googled Sherrill Kahn obit. There it was. She passed away Dec. 10 of last year.

She was 82 and was living in Encino, CA. I knew that her husband, who helped start her company, Impress Me Now, had died, and I think that's when she closed her company. But her books will live on!

She had been an art teacher for more than 30 years, with 27 of them being at Palisades High School in Los Angeles. She wrote her wonderful, colorful, creative books after she retired.

The only way for me to describe her style is delicious! She uses all of my favorite, mouth-watering, saturated colors and fills her art with symbols inspired by Southwest petroglyphs. I have some of her rubber stamps and use them often.

Rest in color, Sherrill!