Look at these cool chickens that Linda P. made for our sew group this month! They're little pincushions -- one for each of us. Linda made the fun placemat, too. Spring is busting out all over!
Here are some more spring chickens -- the fabulous Feet and Forks. We escaped the United States to go running around up in Victoria, B.C., and spent hours hiking through Beacon Hill Park. It's a gorgeous city park, full of flowers, ponds, a kid's animal farm, and a breathtaking path overlooking the bay. It has chickens, too:
The chickens ran around so fast I could hardly snap their pictures. We even saw some quick, hot fowl play with a rooster and one of the hens.
I wrote some more posts about Victoria here http://sherriequilt.blogspot.com/2010/10/victoria-bc-is-for-birds.html and here http://sherriequilt.blogspot.com/2010/12/looking-up-in-victoria-bc.html in case you'd like to see more photos.
Have a colorful day