
Monday, August 30, 2010

New silk quilts and apples

Detail -- "Chocolate and Silk Nine-Patch"

Here is a little silk and candy wrapper quilted collage that I put together this afternoon. I needed something to donate to a charity sale, and since I've been up to my eyeballs in silk quilts it was easy to grab some scraps and stitch it up. Besides my stash of silk organza that I've been painting for months, I have hundreds of flattened Hershey Kisses candy wrappers from the past 10 years ready to be put into my art.

Full view -- "Chocolate and Silk Nine-Patch" (13" x 13")

Then I took a break to photograph this basket of apples that Julia picked today from our little orchard. She's already turned some of them into a delicious bursting-with-flavor batch of applesauce. I hope she makes a pie next.

Now it's back to my:

I'm dying to show you photos of my latest big art quilts, but I'm entering them into a juried exhibit that wants everything kept under wraps until the show opens. (The only thing I will say is that they are all made with my painted silk.) The upside is that chances of them being accepted are slim, so as soon as I get the rejection notice I can post pictures.

Have a colorful day!


  1. Rejection? no, not you!!! Love seeing what you're doing with the silk...inspires me to take some photos of what I'm working on that involves silk. Maybe I'll even blog about it!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Thank you, Sanjali. I'm glad you liked it.
