
Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Fall snapshots

We Pacific Northwesterners make the most of the sun when it appears this time of year. Today is gloriously sunny after a record rainfall earlier in the week, time to take pictures of the maples in front of the house before they drop the rest of their leaves. These next two photos are looking up and looking down at the same tree:
And while the sun is out, time to walk down to the water (which is really high today), past this little guy:
This next one shows the underwater plants and reflected trees in the estuary below our house:
On my way back into the house after taking these snapshots, I noticed that the lower angle of sun -- are we really turning the clock back in just a few days! -- gilded my quilt aptly titled "Light" that hangs near the front window, casting architectural shadows:
 Last week, I photographed Rosemary's winter pansies -- she has baskets full of them brightening her balcony:

Time for me to switch to fall colors in my coiled fabric baskets ...
... and here is some cotton that I just painted in the colors of fall leaves and blue sky. I may go back over it in select areas to give it more depth before I use it in my art:

But I saved the best for last. Here is Bunners snuggled in Julia's arms, all safe and cozy:
Isn't he the CUTEST THING?
I really think he needs his own Facebook page.

Have a colorful day!


  1. All of the pictures are great, but Bunners is definitely God's finest creation. If you post a video of the little guy, I'll put it on a loop on my computer. My cats love watching videos of birds and fish, and I'll bet they'd be hypnotized by Bunners!

  2. okay on the facebook, but you first!!!

  3. Aw, thanks guys. I'll take a video of Bunners on his hind legs begging for a banana and send it to you, Kevin. But no Facebook for me.

  4. Bunner is the cutest thing love seeing him running in the kitchen.
    Linda J.

  5. The real reason I haven't set up a Facebook page for Bunners is because I fear he would be exploited for his many talents and obvious beauty. That, and I'd be too jealous of all the friends he'd make.

  6. Julia,maybe you're right. We'll just have to keep Bunners as our little secret (except for my blog fans).

  7. Bunners is fun-ers! So you must share him with all! The little cutie tickled my ear and neck when I held the little guy! Ahh sweet!

  8. Oh, Bunners, you look worried or maybe shocked that mom is thinking of sending you into outer space! How else would you become a cosmic bunny???

  9. Our granddaughter (age 22) made a Facebook page for our dog (Spunky)!

    Why shouldn't you make one for your Bunny?!
