
Thursday, November 6, 2014

The party is over

Dawn breaks with a melancholy beauty
before the latest storm moves through.

We tipped over our swivel chairs
so they would stop spinning in the latest gale.

From my living room shelter I photographed the storm;
a reflection of our fire burns in the chair.

In between squalls, sea gulls swirl and dance
before flocking again to the water.

The golden leaves have taken a seat ...

... and the last of pink blooms sift to a stone bench.

Fish are sheltered ...

... and Buddha and bunny snuggle through it all.

 Have a peaceful day


  1. Time to contemplate your next visit to Sedona! It will be worth the wait...

  2. Buck up, little soldier - it won't last forever (although I know it will feel that way). I love that even with all the gloom, you can find some spots of color. I particularly like the photo of the bench filled with leaves and the green cast of the Buddha. As for the deck chairs - I never thought about them spinning in the wind. I would think that would be quite entertaining!

    Stay warm snuggled close to that fire...

  3. So sad to see this beautiful time of the year come to an end....but I guess the snow is pretty too! As long as the sun shines and the snow stays below 6 inches!
