
Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Christmas house progress

I'm making progress on the wool Christmas houses, but my aching arthritic thumbs are telling me to stop for the night!

I'm going to outline everything in snowy white for starters then maybe do some beading.

I also made a double batch of vegan, gluten-free chocolate chip cookies for the kid who's coming home for Thanksgiving. Tomorrow will be the big cooking/cleaning day, so I probably won't have time to sew. 

 Happy Thanksgiving!

Have a colorful day


  1. Sherrie. Love your houses. Happy Thanksgiving and thank you for the inspiration.

  2. They are coming out great! I think I have the thumb thing a little on my left thumb.... very inconvenient!
    Sure glad I'm not coming to your house for Thanksgiving, gluten-free or not, the cookies look waaay too yummy!
    Happy Thanksgiving to you too!

  3. Those houses are so happy! I think I’ll be inspired by them to make a ‘coastal community’ door hanger for the spring time. I always enjoy reading your blog. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving and enjoy the time with loved ones.
