
Sunday, November 5, 2017

Making my own retreat

I was all packed and ready for our quilt guild's retreat today through Tuesday at Seabeck, WA, but a cold that I came down with last week just wouldn't clear up. I didn't want to cough and hack all over everyone, so I stayed home and I'm making my own retreat.

I had all the pieces cut out for my little houses quilt, so I sat down with Christmas music playing on Pandora, snow falling outside, and started stitching.

It's going together pretty fast -- half the blocks are already sewed. I think I'd like it better if the backgrounds were a saturated color, but using black and white is something different for me that I wanted to try at least once.

More importantly, I made a dark chocolate cake to share with the group and now it looks like the group is just me! I can handle it. I cut one piece for each day of the retreat and put the rest in the freezer so that I won't eat the whole thing during my personal retreat.

I also asked my husband to pick up a pan of lasagne from Costco so that I won't have to cook during my retreat. He already was planning to eat some meat that he was going to smoke while I was gone, so now we'll both be happy. I told him to just pretend that I'm not here and carry on with his plans.

It's just about happy hour for the girls at Seabeck, so I'll grab a glass (of iced tea) and some salted cashews. Cheers to me! Cough, cough.

Have a colorful day


  1. A great idea! I did that once when I couldn't get back to WI for what had become a yearly retreat with my quilting friends there. I texted them throughout the day to let them know my progress and hear what they were up to. I think this was before any of us were on Facebook or had phones smart enough to send and receive pictures but a few pictures went back and forth via e-mail. I got more done that weekend pretending I was at a retreat than I normally would. But I didn't have any chocolate cake!

    Hope the cold passes quickly and quit playing Christmas music before Thanksgiving! I don't CARE if you got snow - lol

  2. Sherrie, So sorry you aren't feeling up to par and had to miss your retreat, but glad you were able to have your own one! Love how you cut up the dessert for the three days and really like your little house blocks! Hope you feel better real soon.

  3. Clever girl! I'm sure you missed the company of the others at the retreat, but how lovely to just create your own! I'm jealous of the snow... we have been terribly dry down here since the end of Monsoon season, and could use some of that! Meanwhile, I'm looking forward to seeing your quilt when it's done... good thing to try something different once in awhile.
    Hope your cold passes quickly, and that you enjoy every morsel of that cake!

  4. How kind of you not to pass on your malady to friends! It looks like you're having a good time all on your own. Best company sometimes.
