
Saturday, March 26, 2022

Green and yellow for spring

I got the urge this week to work with lovely lemony-greens, but I couldn't think of a big project. So I started layering scraps on coaster-size pieces of batting and backing and holding them down with embroidery. Hard on my wrist and thumb, but it's so satisfying because I can complete each little square in no time at all.

I don't know if I'll use them as coasters or put them together into a wall hanging. And I might incorporate some other colors -- I'll just go with the flow and see where it takes me.

In other color news, the neighborhood is bursting with yellow blooms. This bouquet is from Trader Joe's and has brightened my kitchen for almost two weeks!

Yellow spines on a golden barrel cactus

Mexican marigolds, I think

Aloe blooms

Lemon tree

I wasn't sure what this plant is, but one of my blog followers, Sonja in Hawaii, looked it up and we think it is known variously as Desert Cassia, Senna Hybrid, or Scented Senna.

Barrel cactus blooms that look like little pineapples


Have a colorful day