Detail from "Rain Dance," an original quilt by Sherrie Spangler

Sunday, May 26, 2024

Being Grandma in Spokane

I flew into Spokane a week ago to see my little granddaughter, Juniper. It's been four months since I last visited, and she's grown so much!

She's holding her head up high during tummy time and starting to roll! When she grabs my fingers, she holds on so tight that it's hard to escape (as if I would want to).

She came down with croup while I was here and had a rough few days, but the doctor gave her medicine that cleared her breathing tubes and now she's about over it. Charlie and Tiny kept her company.

We go on walks a couple of times a day. I took some photos of her view from the stroller of the trees overhead.

Not bad!

One of our walks was through Manito Park, where Juniper's parents were married. The Japanese Garden is always beautiful and so were the iris and lilac gardens.

The flowers here are so much bigger than mine in the desert! These next few are from their neighborhood.

Another day we walked along the Centennial Trail overlooking the Spokane River. It was a brisk, sparkling day.

This last photo is something I thought my crafty readers would like. A friend of Julia's made it for her out of smooth stones to look like baby footprints. Very sweet!

Have a colorful day


Judy Sall Fiber Art said...

What a nice visit, except for the croup!

Lynda Heines said...

What a great visit and the views from her stroller and otherwise. Love the cute art she got from a talented friend.