
Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Visiting the folks in LA

I just got back from visiting my parents in Los Angeles, where they are 92 and going strong in their own home. We went through boxes of old photos and found a few of them when they were dating more than 70 years ago!

Here they are swimming at Cape Cod, above, and in Ligonier, Pennsylvania, below. This was the summer after they graduated from college.

And here they are at a formal party at my dad's fraternity house at Penn State. My mom went to nursing school at Dusquene University in Pittsburgh.

The top photo is my mom (second from left) and her sister and brothers in their hometown of Pittsburgh in the '50s. I had no idea girls wore such short shorts then, but that was in a hot, humid Pittsburgh summer before AC.

And below is me with my brother and parents this week.

We found some really old family photos, including these two from my dad's side. Unfortunately, there were no dates and we don't know the story behind them.

The weather for my visit was beautiful, with highs only in the 70s. But I wasn't used to the high humidity after coming from single-digit humidity in Tucson.

They live on the Palos Verdes Peninsula, which has spectacular views of the ocean beyond rugged cliffs. I always take a long walk there.

Neighborhood walks are filled with flowers. All in all, it was a great visit.

Have a colorful day


  1. I love the old black and white photos of my parents when they were courting. You get to see a little about them that I think you never see anywhere else, except maybe when they get to your parents' age! What a lovely respite from your desert home.

    As for the short shorts - was that by any chance during the Daisy May and Dog Patch era?

  2. Nice pictures from your visit to LA. Love the old pictures of your parents. You are so fortunate to have them at their age.

  3. Looks like a great visit. And I love, love, love all of those pics of your parents and those two you can't identify. What a treasure trove. Lovely flowers.
