Detail from "Rain Dance," an original quilt by Sherrie Spangler

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Another beginning

Another day, another little collage!

This time I'm working with green.

Since it's once again way too hot to be outside (102 right now), I did some big, slow stitching in front of the news this morning.

Then I stamped some faint silvery spirals around the borders, which will mainly be wrapped around the edges and back of the frame. I'll continue slow stitching with the evening news.

My work room is awash in fabric!

I'm already playing around with another collage possibility using more greens.

In between, I added some pink cross stitches to a wool appliqué block that I started years ago. 

Since I'm stuck inside in the AC, my thoughts turned to baking yesterday and I whipped up a batch of brownies. I LOVE this Ghirardelli mix, which makes better brownies than any of my scratch recipes. I get a big box at Costco with enough to make six batches.

Juniper says, "I'll take some!" She's half a year old now and starting to eat solids. I miss her so much! Before I know it those little feet will be walking.

Have a colorful day


Judy Sall Fiber Art said...

Love the colors of all that wonderful fabric, and of course your stitching. Ooh, brownies, yum! We're getting nice rain up here - any down your way?

The Idaho Beauty said...

Another collage to love! The stitching is wonderful.

Lynda Heines said...

Love your collage! Also, those brownies sound so good. I've walked past that box at Costco so many times. Glad you are so productive staying in. Such a sweet pic of Juniper.