
Monday, September 16, 2024

Ben & Jerry's to the rescue

I was slumped in front of the news in my pajamas last night. It was dark outside after another monsoon storm had blown through. I needed a pick-me-up and had a sudden urge to venture into the night (which I normally don't do) for ice cream. After a brief debate with myself, I sprung into action, hopped into the car and set off on my journey (all of 1.6 miles).

Wow! I was met with a huge almost full moon rising over the mountains to the east and a lightning show over the range to the north. Even better, the local radio station was playing the Grateful Dead, one of my all-time favorite bands. I thought, "I have to do this more often."


So it was appropriate to buy a pint of Cherry Garcia. And best of all, in addition to Ben & Jerry's ice cream being buy one get one free, there were pool noodles for 40 cents! I use the noodles to wrap my quilts around for storage, so I picked up a couple.

Back in the car the Grateful Dead were playing an extended version of "Eyes of the World" that carried me home surrounded by the moon and lightning and dark mountains. I had a long garage moment while I listened to the end before piling a bowl with ice cream and hot fudge sauce, polishing it off and calling it a night.

For those of you who don't know the Grateful Dead's music, it's a joyful mix of Americana, rock, blues, jazz, folk, bluegrass, reggae and world music with a psychedelic overlay. They're prone to long rambling jams that make you forget everything but the music. Here's a version of "Eyes of the World." Enjoy!

Have a colorful day


  1. What a joyful night you made out of a seemingly bleak one. Something definitely aligned for you!

  2. Wow, what a fun tale! Cherries Garcia is worth the trip, but BOGO and the Grateful Dead? Trippy!
