
Tuesday, September 7, 2010

My man Kaffe is coming here!

I was standing in front of a humongous display (above) of Kaffe Fassett fabric at Island Quilter on Vashon Island, WA, last weekend, gushing to the guy behind the counter about how much I love Kaffe's colors, when he said, "He's going to be standing right where you are next month."

YES! Kaffe Fassett and design partner Brandon Mably will be giving two quilt classes, two knitting classes, a painting class and a lecture/book signing Oct. 8-12 at our little island here in the Puget Sound. Lord knows we need as much of their bright colors as we can get as we head into the grayness of another Pacific Northwest winter.

Island Quilter carries about 700 bolts of Kaffe's glorious colors, and it's right up front. Here's another photo (some of these may be other designers, but I think it's mostly Kaffe):

I wanted to bask in it all day. The store has more than 7,000 bolts total plus a gorgeous selection of yarn (below) and other goodies for quilters and other lovers of color. Those flowered rolls leaning to the left of the yarn are laminated, and I would've bought a length for my outdoor table except I couldn't remember its dimensions.

But I did buy some half-yard cuts to add to my stash and to fondle throughout the winter:

Store info:
Island Quilter
17626 Vashon Highway SW
Vashon, WA 98070
(206) 713-6000

Check out the website for details on the events.

Have a colorful day!


  1. totally yummy...and, I recognize that friend!

  2. Sherrie,
    Wandered onto your blog from a link on Judy's Fiber Arts blog and while scrolling down, came across the post about Kaffe...Thank you so much for posting this. Won't be able to take a class but I did sign up for the lecture. So a ferry ride, a new island to explore, a new quilt store and a favorite quilt artist. Sounds like a great day. Lydia Reading.
