
Friday, December 31, 2010

Have a Cosmic Rabbit New Year!


... So of course I've honored Bunners by making rabbit quilts, but I can't show them yet because I entered them in Quilting Arts Magazine's Calendar Contest -- the theme is pets -- and you can't publish your entries. But I did overlay photographs of some of the fabric and test samples into a collage, above, that shows you the colors without revealing the design. My entries are called:

"The Cosmic Rabbit Sees All"
"The Cosmic Rabbit Chills Out"

Here is my little Muse,
 snuggling on this chilly
New Year's Eve Day:

It was sunny and cold (around freezing) here in Gig Harbor on the final day of the year, so I headed down to the harbor for a few photos:

(That's Mt. Rainier on the horizon.)

The next two are from our neighborhood:

And here is my birthday vignette, showing a little papercut card that Julia made with our tall evergreens and a heart. I love the gold and green of her gift bag, and the green goes great with the mauve mug. Color is everything!

Have a Very Colorful New Year!

1 comment:

  1. You've done it before...good for you, Sherrie! And...exciting for Bunners, he's sure to be published!!!
