
Tuesday, March 29, 2011

More circles and arcs

Still stitching away on my couch,
travel-kit-that-didn't at hand,
rain falling outside. 

So far, I've covered raw edges with
the feather stitch, blanket stitch,
herringbone stitch, whip stitch,
chicken scratch, French knots, and beads.

I'm trying different arrangements
on my design board.
(Flannel-covered insulation board.)

The possibilities are endless ...

I'm leaning toward just circles.
My daughter says to keep it simple.

Have a colorful day!


  1. I like each and every combination you've shown, but in the end, I agree with your daughter--the oddness and irregularity of the simple circles is the arrangement I like the best!

  2. love, love, love your circle, keep with circles, they are great!

  3. OK guys, circles it will be. I'm making six more arcs today.
