
Monday, August 22, 2011

Colors of Bellingham

My trip to move the kid to Bellingham went great! The afghan is in good company there, as evidenced by the colorful crocheted tree hugger outside the yarn store downtown.

Here's the afghan out of the van and all settled in its new home. Note her thrift store vintage pillowcases:

The afghan's orange, green and gold color scheme seemed to pop up everywhere, starting on the drive up with this building in Seattle:

Take a look at the orange pants and gold shirt on this performer at the Downtown Bellingham Farmer's Market (

These mushrooms at the farmer's market were like little works of art. I bought a box, which I plan to serve with some lemon-pepper fettucini from another market vendor.

More orange, green and gold, plus a few other luscious colors at the market:

You know how I love rabbits, so I had to snap a picture of this vendor's sign:

But the highlight of the trip was our daily morning stop at Rocket Donuts (, where I nearly threw a tantrum the first day because the lady in front of me bought the last two Bavarian Bismarcks! I'd been looking forward to one of those custard-filled, chocolate-iced treats the whole drive up. Luckily for Rocket Donuts, I was able to get them the next two mornings. Here I am, beholding the bountiful Bismarck:

And here is Bunners, with the special treat we bought for him at the farmer's market:

Have a colorful day!


  1. Definitely an orange, gold and green day!

  2. Color, color everywhere! bunny is adorable!

  3. Glad you enjoyed your time in our beautiful Bellingham!
