
Sunday, January 8, 2012

Rainy Day is done

Detail, "Rainy Day," by Sherrie Spangler

Here's my first finished quilt of 2012!

"Rainy Day" got done in record time, about four days from the start of painting the fabric to pulling the last thread tail through. The motivation was panic that I wouldn't have any new work to show for a jurying appointment later this month.

Today there was some sunshine, so we took the photo outside along with a SUNNY DAY piece of yardage that I bought earlier today at 40% off. Those are the colors I REALLY like.

This is how a rainy day looks from my part of the Puget Sound, with the Olympic Mountains visible sometimes when the clouds shift. The toned down yellow is the color of the sun diffused by midafternoon winter clouds, but more often the clouds are a purplish gray.

I left all of the edges exposed and raw (top, batting and backing), and slipped some slivers of painted fabric behind the top and left edges to square things up and add a little more layering.

I like side shots the best.
Parting shot: late afternoon sun highlighting the tree in our yard.

Have a colorful day


  1. Nice!...from one NW native to another.

  2. This is so cool - I take back what I said about the black around the rectangles. It makes the whole thing look epic - I'm even reminded of the monolith from 2001! I think your creative year is off to a good start.

    Just what are you going to do with that zingy discounted fabric? It'll keep you awake at night - lol

  3. Beautiful work, Sherrie--I like the side shot, too! Also like the last photo, I feel inspired to paint it--will show you if I get a minute with my sketchbook and paints! Best of luck with the submission.

  4. You certainly captured the look & feeling of a typical NW rainy winter day - it has a quiet, moody beauty all its own. I admire your embracing it - Good luck!

  5. Sherrie as good as your photos are, after seeing this in person I think they don't do this justice. It reminds me of a line from a Mary Oliver poem: "I lift my face to the pale flowers of the rain. They're soft as linen, clean as holy water."
