
Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Summer scarves and STITCH

I've been on a scarf binge lately, and I've found an easier way to make these Sulky Solvy scarves that I've blogged about before. More on that in a minute.

I started making more scarves because I wanted to give Anne (below) a thank you gift for hosting our STITCH group at her Whidbey Island home. Then I made another for someone who had us over for dinner and another for a friend's birthday this week.

I decided to call them "Summer Scarves" because they're lightweight enough to wear during the summer AND they're the color of summer in the Northwest -- plenty of blue water, blue skies and flowers. I mostly used hand-painted lightweight silks and a little yarn.

Anne wore her scarf so artfully arranged at today's STITCH meeting that I had to show you a photo. We had a great show-and-tell at the meeting, but as usual I got so caught up in discussions that I didn't get pictures of everything. Here are the few that I did get:

Anne used fancy thick threads in her bobbin to make this piece.
This was her first attempt at bobbin work.

Delaine used hand-dyes, Angelina and other glitz is this beauty.

Linda made this fresh, summery quilt for a granddaughter.

Carol made these bowls after a lesson at the retreat from Linda.
Each one uses just one fabric.

And now the easier scarf technique

Instead of pinning together the layers of Sulky Solvy with fabric and yarn in between, I discovered that you can iron the layers together. Remember:

* Place parchment paper or some other non-stick layer under and on top of everything before you press.

* Use a DRY hot iron and press for about 10-20 seconds.

* There should be plenty of empty spots around the fabric snippets in order for the two layers of Solvy to stick together. If you're making scarves that are really filled in with a lot of thick yarn and other stuff, I think you'd still have to pin baste.

If you're not familiar with Sulky Solvy scarves, I've blogged about them here, and you'll also find examples if you google it:

Have a colorful day


  1. Lovely scarf, and a great tip I will need to try! And I love the show and tell items! I am not familiar with using thick threads in the bobbin... but I love the results that your friend got! Will have to look into that for future experiments!

  2. Oh I just love the scarf! Thanks for the tips on how to make it.

  3. I love seeing everyone's creations, esp. your beautiful, sunny scarfs!

  4. the scarves are great fun and can wear them any time of the year.. Love the colors...
    Thank you for the names of the Desert plants... We sure are having fun... so many relatives don't have wifi so blog not keeping up with me... that is ok...

  5. These are some wonderful scarves. I would love to have one.
    Wholesale Scarves
