
Friday, June 6, 2014

Mojo missing in move

I think I lost my creative mojo in the month-long move that's still not quite over. I feel as foggy when it comes to quilting as the water was this morning in a thick shroud of grey.

But watching the fog clear and reveal sparkling blue sky and water gave me hope that the creative juices will start flowing quickly once I get the studio unpacked and organized.

While I'm waiting for my mojo, I'll post photos from around the new homestead. We're on the Hale Passage in the Puget Sound in Gig Harbor, WA, and the view is gorgeous.

It's a gravely, rocky beach and the water is frigid, but it has its own appealing character.

This crow calmly shared the neighbor's roof with a weathervane heron for a good while, but when it took flight it acted astonished to see the metal bird!

Away from the water, I snapped photos among the plants. I thought the condensation on this hosta was in focus, but it wasn't.

 Our front entry reflects the beach surroundings and is a peaceful spot to arrive and depart.

Maybe if I sit with the Buddha for awhile I'll find my mojo and slip back into the rhythm of sewing soon.

 Have a colorful day 


  1. Change is always so hard but your new surroundings look beautiful.

  2. i am also currently mojo vapid due to extreme moving-itis. we shall regain soon our direction with unpacking something and finding something needed, includes kitchen stuff too!
    be well, Sonja

  3. It will return, once you are settled and rest a bit. Meanwhile, your views are lovely! Are you completely out of the old place yet?

  4. love that Buddha. Don't like the ones with the big belly.. I would be totally distracted, beautiful location!

  5. The crow photo cracked me up!

  6. Love the pics...and you'll get inspired and creative shortly...give yourself a break!
