
Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Inspiration with the Nuts

Sunday's Sew Day with the Nuts was packed with inspiration from projects finished and still in the works. But first we sat down to Nancy's pretty breakfast table set with cardinal placemats that she made. Note the Seattle Seahawks blue and green flowers. (This was the day before the playoff game where we beat the Packers. Go Hawks!)

First up for show-and-tell was Nancy's striking black and white pillow with punches of yellow in the piping and string of lights. She embroidered and pieced it and embellished it with giant black rick rack.

Next are Linda J.'s journals, which she made from food boxes following a youtube tutorial.

These closeups show the pink stitches holding in the pages (above) and the blue beading that holds the edges of pages together to form pockets.

Next we have Linda's heavily embellished sewing carry-all, which opens flat to reveal storage for everything plus a removeable ironing pad.

In the unfinished inspiration category is Carolynn's colorful mess of embroidery threads, which she spread on the floor to be organized.

Here are some photos of the glorious crazy quilt table runner that Carolynn is making.

Meanwhile, Linda P. practiced her wool applique with these bright and cheery birds.

Supervising it all was Miss Lizzie, curled comfortably on Nancy's Valentine quilt. Hope you've been inspired!

Have a colorful day

1 comment:

  1. All so beautiful! Where's yours? Oh, bet you were taking the pix, right? ;-)
