
Saturday, January 3, 2015

Threadneedle Street, Issaquah, WA

I found thread heaven last week when my sew group the Nuts went to Threadneedle Street at 485 Front St. N. in Issaquah, WA, near Seattle.

Since a picture speaks a thousand words, I'll just post some photos.

I found a nice selection to add to my embroidery thread stash, and so did the other Nuts. GO if you have the chance.

p.s. It's Day 3 of the Whole 30 diet and Dave and I are doing amazingly well. I think all the nuts and fruit are keeping me satisfied in between meals.

Have a colorful day


  1. Wow! That looks like an amazing shop... love the color!

  2. Talk about yarn heaven!!! Congrats on new way of eating!
