
Sunday, May 3, 2015

Beach Houses detail

I just entered one of my older quilts, "Beach Houses," in IQA's Tactile Architecture exhibit. This is a detail. I used to be a regular entrant in the IQA shows, but when I moved across the country in 2008 I lost my traction. I'm trying to get back in the groove.

Today was a sunny, sparkly day in Gig Harbor, just like in the quilt!

Have a colorful day


  1. Now there's another special exhibit I've wanted to be a part of but again - not the right quilt at the right time or totally out of the loop as to entry deadlines. Well, perhaps you will lead the way for me like you did with Sacred Threads. ;-) Good luck - I hope this gets in and gives you that boost you need.

  2. I like the sound of that theme. Tactile architecture has so many possibilities.

    And it looks as though it is going to be a colourful spring day here as well.

  3. Another piece that makes me smile...all due to the color...can't wait to see it in its 'whole'...maybe already on your blog somewhere?? hmmmmm
