
Thursday, May 21, 2015

Salmon quilt challenge

Our local quilt shop, Quilt Revolution, is having a display of salmon quilts during Shop Hop next month. I've taken up the challenge and am doing a quilt called "Salmon with Asparagus and Lemon." I'm just using those colors. No pictures of salmon.

The background fabric is actually a pinky-orange salmon color, although it looks more orange in the photo. I laid down a few chunks of other colors and then wove a layer of salmon, asparagus and lemon colored strips on top.

Then I pulled out some lemon and asparagus yarns from my stash (didn't have any salmon) and wove bits of them in.

So that's where it stands now. Next I have to decide how to quilt it and whether to just pin it like crazy or put a layer of Sulky Solvy over top to hold things down. I'll keep you posted.

Check out what other fiber artists have been doing this week at Nina Marie's Off-the-Wall Fridays:

Have a colorful day


  1. How fun! I love the salmon, and your combination of colors is very pleasing to the eye! I would use sulky solvy for sure if I was doing this... you got me hooked, and I'm forever grateful!

  2. I'm loving this color combo. Can't wait to see what you create.
