
Monday, November 16, 2015

Wool bird buddies at Sew Day

My unfinished block, left, and Linda's finished block on right.

My Sue Spargo wool birds found some kindred friends on Sunday at Sew Day. Linda P. -- who took Sue's bird class at Sisters last summer -- brought her blocks to work on. I paired up our matching blocks so you can see what a difference color and embroidery stitches can make.

Linda's bird blocks are the ones with eyes. I didn't get that far on mine.

Some other color from Sew Day:

Nancy's wool applique.
Linda P.'s quilt.
Carolynn's coiled bowl.
Artichoke quiche, pumpkin bread, and fruit.
 Have a colorful day


  1. Sherrie, Love the birdies!! What fun and so colorful on this dreary day in Indiana.

  2. Thanks for a comment on my blog ... and also for showing me a way to use rickrack (which I generally dislike!) in a creative way that I really do like! Love those French knots on it!
