
Friday, December 11, 2015

Eat, drink and be merry!

My STITCH art quilt group wrapped up another year of inspiration and friendship this week with our traditional holiday potluck at Karen's house. My fortune cookie message (Barb gave us all cookies) sums it up: Friendship is the greatest gift you can give. I'm so thankful for these wonderful women!

Some of the other gifts were embroidered pin cushions, mason jar pin cushions (I'm going to use mine to store fancy thread tails), chicken pin cushions, sewing machine needles, beads, apple butter and a quilt pattern. All will be treasured.

As always, Karen decked out her house for the holidays, with a festive table and an extensive winter village scene.

 We ate, drank and were merry!

We wrapped up the party with a show-and-tell, which included nine elaborate crazy quilt stockings by Delaine.

Other show-and-tells included my table runner and Anne's very colorful quilt top. Hope this inspires you!

Have a colorful day


  1. What a wonderful day you all had!!!! How your table runner. It is so nice to spend time with talented friends who share their talent!!!

  2. Eat drink and be Sherrie!

    What a great group and festive creative party.
    Is that Janet L in red ?If so, give her my alohas!
    ps... i ordered 3 bucks of black licorice mouse tails,
    well shoe strings, and now that they have arrived,
    i am almost ready to make those cookie mousies!!!
