
Saturday, March 26, 2016

Teacup Trail to Coffeepot Rock

Yesterday's hike was up Teacup Trail to the base of Coffeepot Rock. The rock, below, is shaped like an old-fashioned percolator coffeepot, with the spout facing right.

The trail begins at the edge of a neighborhood. Here's a shot showing roofs nestled near the start of the trail.

The farther up the trail, the more panoramic the view becomes.

Flowers were more prolific here than on many of the other trails we've hiked. Here are a few.

 This is a yucca getting ready to burst into bloom:

Above is a perfect prickly pear pad. Below is a group that's been munched on by javelinas. We saw some snuffling around in our neighborhood the other night but we haven't encountered any this trip in the daytime.

 Below is another yucca. I love the simple, striking lines of this plant.

Above is an ocotillo, stretching its arms to the sky. Below are some buds on the tips of the branches. Ocotillos have bright red flowers, but it's a little too early here to see them in full bloom. I hear they're gorgeous down around Phoenix now, where it's warmer.

At the top of the trail, we took a long break to gaze out over the desert. We only have five more days here, and I want to hang on to each one.

 Headed back down.

Have a colorful day

1 comment:

  1. Love the shots! You are going to be so fit when you head home!
