
Sunday, January 29, 2017

More wool applique

I'm continuing to whip stitch down the pieces for my "Imperial Blooms" quilt. It's quite therapeutic, except when the thumb arthritis acts up and I have to take a break -- like now.

This is just the base for the embellishments to come: embroidery with perle cotton and a lot of beads.

I love, love, love the colors of the wool. People always ask where I get my wool, and I tell them that every time I go into a quilt store I'm on the lookout for it. I haven't made it to thrift stores yet to buy wool garments, but that's coming. 

Here's a look at the blocks I have completed so far. The background blocks are 11" square.

You can see how the colors contrast with our outside view today. This is why I work with such bright colors!

Have a colorful day


  1. Your workmanship is wonderful! Have you tried a brace on your wrist/hand? It does help with the thumb as does the KT tape (you can see video's on how to apply. Because my issue is with the tendons in both wrists and movement of my thumb is so painful but the brace does help and I can still sew with it. Like a get used to it!

  2. Robbie, I haven't tried a brace yet. I'll have to look into that.
