
Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Smoke and haze

Since I last wrote, we've had a week of smoke and haze from wildfires burning north of us in British Columbia. They keep pushing back the forecast for when it's supposed to clear.

These first two pictures are from yesterday. (Some of that haze is fog.)

The next two pictures are from today -- it's a little clearer, but the sky is still white and the trees are shades of grey.

We also just set a record for the number of consecutive days without measurable precipitation: 52. The old record was 51, set in 1951.

The picture of our heron segues nicely into the next pictures of wool birds that I'm embellishing with embroidery.

Have a colorful day


  1. Hope the smoke clears up soon... we've had that here before, and it's not pleasant. Sorry to hear about the dry spell... you have such wonderful gardens up there... sure hope they survive. Love your latest wool applique project!

  2. I so enjoy your wool embroidery work!!! Very nicely done. I can remember when St. Helen 'blew' years ago, even in Michigan we had clouds of soot from the volcano! I was raising horses at that time and it was so weird! I felt like we were living in space! Freaky for sure!

  3. My son lives in Portland and he said the smog is terrible there, too.I love the embroidery you've done on your bird piece. It adds so much to an already lovely piece.
