
Friday, September 22, 2017

Sun kisses the autumn equinox

"I cannot endure to waste anything so precious as autumnal sunshine by staying in the house." -- Nathaniel Hawthorne
in The American Notebooks

I agree with Nathaniel, so when today -- the autumn equinox -- arrived with sunshine, I just had to get outside for a photo walk. With temps in the 60s and full sun all day, I felt like we'd been given a special gift that was not to be wasted.

The flowers may be looking a little raggedy,
but they're still beautiful.

The beach was peaceful, with no boat traffic or other walkers ... just me and the birds. This seagull seems to be blissed out in the sun.

Our trees are still green,
but I found this little brown leaf to symbolize fall.

Later, outside the grocery store, I saw mountains of vivid orange pumpkins glowing in the sun.

At home we have our own seasonal abundance, with piles of ripe tomatoes from the garden awaiting processing. My goal is to turn them into sauce tomorrow and stock the freezer for warm winter meals of spaghetti, lasagne and ravioli.

A bumpy gourd from the garden
basks on our dining room table in the sun.

And last but not least, to mark the coming of fall I pulled out this wool table runner that I sewed last year from a Sue Spargo pattern. Soon it will be time to stitch by the fire while rain pours outside and the wind howls. All the more reason to grab the sun while we can.

 Have a colorful fall


  1. Wednesday I raked a full bag and another 3/4 bag of leaves! BUT the temps have been in the 90s this week! We've set records every day! Yep, summer is almost over and I'm not ready for snow/cold but do love the fall...leaves and all. I'm like you...I want to get out when it's nice! Although, that's been early a.m. or later at night (especially for dog walks!).

  2. Robbie -- I can't believe you're having temps in the 90s! Sounds like Florida.

  3. I felt the same way, Sherrie. After several days of dodging rain, the sun was out this morning and it was sweater weather. I usually don't take my walk until the afternoon but I simply couldn't wait to get out there and take advantage of the sun while it was out. And yes, later in the day, more clouds moved in and the walk would have been quite different, less if any sun. Seize the day!

  4. Beautiful pix, beautiful words! Glad you are enjoying some sunshine, to store up before the gray months ahead. I need to get out and pull the dead wild Coreopsis and make a dump run soon... it'll be time for winter before ya know it!
