
Saturday, April 14, 2018

More rain, more moving

It's been a week again since the last post,
and I'm still moving and it's still raining!

The upside is that I've claimed the family room at the new house for my sewing studio, so I have a lot of space. My handy husband made the big shelving unit, which will hold ALL of my fabric. The smaller shelves to the left will hold beads and books. Sewing machine will go to the right in front of a window.

We did have a soft sunset the other night during a break in the rain.

And the flowers are starting to bloom.

We had one mostly sunny day, during which I got outside and took flower photos. Now I have three more days of rain to get through and then the sun will be back! Rainy days are good for staying inside and unpacking, but they do eat away at my energy level. I'm a desert sunshine woman living in the rain forest.

 Have a colorful day


  1. Ooh, love your new sewing space, and the flowers are gorgeous! You've got the rain, we have the wind here... not my favorite thing, but it will pass. Soon we will both have more spring-like weather, right? Hope the moving winds down quickly so you can get into that new space and enjoy creating again!

  2. So sorry you are dealing with rain with the move. However, your new studio is going to be wonderful! Hope you can get all of the moving done and we'll see what you create in that wonderful space.

  3. Well, at least you'll feed productive in a different area with your sewing room all set up!!

  4. Ooooo - that new studio looks promising. Nice to have a handy hubby to make those shelving units for you.
