
Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Spring color in the neighborhood

Our neighborhood is popping with spring color, just like the tiny house quilt that I'm wrapping up. That's the back of the quilt, above, and a newly opened rhododendron, below.

The quilt for my daughter's new house features cheery, clear colors reminiscent of the blooms in our Northwest neighborhood.

I strolled up and down our street today as a break from sewing on the binding. Every day there is more color!

I put bunnies on the quilt label and found this yellow bunny up the street. Julia has three pet rabbits and just rescued two more last night and is working on finding homes for them. The poor things were huddled together under a car. A neighbor said their owners had moved and just dumped them outside.

The rhodies here are so big that sometimes they dwarf the houses! 

This is the side of our house. Believe me when I say these flowers are on their own, because I truly do not have a green thumb. All I do is turn on the sprinkler in the summer. They just grow big in the Northwest.

These next couple are also from our yard and are blooming despite my neglect.

 Have a colorful day


  1. Wow! It really is spring around your town!!!!! We are headed back to Michigan on Saturday! So much to do...not much blogging happening on my end and I'm just reading blogs after several days!!! "See" ya in May!!! ha

  2. Even though I know several places in town that have small rhodie bushes and I think I had one in my yard in Walla Walla, I will forever link rhodies with Tacoma. We lived a short walk from a park that had tall stands of them and it was always such a treat to head down there and enjoy them come good weather. Couldn't think of the name so had to go look at a map - Wapato Park which we entered from South 64th St. Enjoy your bounty. They really are of wild stock and don't take much tending to.

  3. What lovely blooms! Spring is definitely in session up your way. And I love Julia's house quilt, bright and cheery. Hope she can find homes for those poor abandoned babies...
