
Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Woolies inspiration

After missing three Woolies meetings in a row, I finally got back on Monday. What inspiration!

As I entered Pam's house, everyone was gathered around Bobbie's spectacular wool applique animal quilt on a dramatic black background.  It was one and a half years in the making, and she finished it while she spent the winter in Arizona. The pattern is "Folk-Tails" by Sue Spargo.

Bobbie was a busy bee in Arizona. Here is a block that she started in a class. The soft grey background and cheery flowers look like Spring here in the Northwest. This block is still under construction.

Judy also had a large quilt to show. It's pinned for quilting, but otherwise it's done -- and beautifully done! I forgot to get the pattern name.

Here's a detail of her embroidery:

While I was gone, the group decided to make table mats. Linda was working on her round "Songbirds Table Mat" by Primitive Gatherings ...

 ... while Carolynn worked on a long version. I think I'll make a long one for my dining room table.

Donna was just getting started on this wool block:

 Pam worked on this one:

Here are just a few of us. There were about a dozen at the meeting, and we sat around Pam's living room stitching, chatting and snacking for almost four hours. It's one of my favorite days of the month.

These last two aren't wool, but they're colorful. The rug was made by Judy from a jelly roll pack and strips of batting, and she brought it to the meeting. These rugs are popular now with quilters.

And I bought these pink and green fat quarters over the weekend, not realizing until I got home that they matched the tulips in my kitchen. Spring has sprung!

Have a colorful day


  1. Beautiful work, and I love the fat quarters AND the tulips! My first tulips just opened up yesterday, amid heavy winds, snow flurries and cooler temps. Need to see if they made it thru the night without freezing. Spring is here, and as usual, it's all over the weather map here in the High Country!

  2. It's so fun to see everyone's projects when we get together. We have a lot of very prolific and talented members. It's my favorite day of the month too !
