
Friday, August 23, 2019

Colors of rebirth and joy

I started another machine project a few days ago (to avoid hurting my arthritic thumb with hand stitching). I'm doing a quilt-as-you-go string pieced quilt in joyful colors to celebrate my rebirth this year as a single woman making a new COLORFUL life for myself.

I chose green for growth and renewal and pink/orange/yellows because those are the colors that make me happy. I started each block with a diagonal strip of text fabric in the center because journaling and communicating with friends and family is what held me together this year. (Plus, I used to be a newspaper journalist.)

These are also the colors I'm drawn to when I take photographs of nature. Here are two photos from walks this week that echo the pink and green fabrics.

I love looking at my two big bowls of strips for this project.

It's a joy to sew, and I'm having so much fun that this might turn out to be a really big quilt. Since each block is already quilted, I won't have to worry about wrestling a huge piece under the machine for quilting. I start with a layer of backing fabric and batting and then attach the strips diagonally in a stitch and flip manner, so it all appears to be stitched in the ditch.

Surf over to Nina-Marie's blog to find out what other fiber artists have been up to this week: its-not-that-transparent-on-off-wall.html

On another note, the Feet and Forks explored a new trail this week and we were met with this sign at the trailhead. Yikes! 

We ventured into the darkness of the woods but didn't come across any filming or screams or bloody bodies -- maybe it was too drizzly  for filming.

Have a colorful day


  1. You go girl!! I am so proud of you.

  2. I love your color choices for the QAYG!!!! Fabulous!! That's kinda funny about the trail...but guess you'll need to be on the lookout...or else we'll have to be on the lookout for you in an upcoming feature film! HA

  3. I see we both love pink and green! I also like the symbolism of the text strips in your blocks. Funny story about the sign; I've never seen that before!

  4. I love the colors, so bright and cheery! And I love where you are in your recovery, which I think it is. You are resilient and positive, and you have tapped into all your healing tools (friends, color, creating, communicating).
    There may be down days from time to time, but your progress is good to see!

  5. Wow! Love this new quilt and the colors are so vibrant and happy. Sending you a big hug today regardless if you need it or not!

  6. Your color scheme for this quilt is so joyful. I can see why you are enjoying working on it.

  7. Love that you capture the drops of water on that gorgeous flower & leaf. Such a lovely combination of your favorite colors showcased by the green. How big can you go?!!

  8. Hi Sherrie, love your new quiltproject, especially the Colors!
