
Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Flagstaff trip short circuited

Behold, my new license plate! 

I can't believe that no one had already picked "COLOR" for their plate. I like how it reads as "ARIZONA COLOR." For the background I chose, naturally, a sunset design.

Unfortunately, I can't put it on my car yet because it's at the Toyota dealer for repairs. As I was driving to Flagstaff (200 miles away) yesterday to meet my blogger friend Judy, about five warning lights suddenly went on and I had a panic attack because I was hemmed in my semi trucks on I-10 out in the desert and because I have massive anxiety anytime I drive long distance alone. 

I called the dealer who advised me to bring it straight in, so I turned around and drove back, gripping the wheel tightly while hoping nothing would explode. Turns out there's a short in the oil control valve, which short circuited my trip. On the bright side, they gave me a free ride home and Judy and I will do our show and tell via Zoom. 

So instead of having fun in Flagstaff, I sat on my front porch last night watching another awesome Arizona sunset.

Judy and I planned to do a show and tell. Here is the quilt top I was going to show.

I also have more masks to send off to a couple of friends.

Temps here are still topping 100 degrees, but later in the week the monsoon rains are expected to "cool" things down into the 90s. I took this picture of my shadow at sunset. It looks like I'm at the gates to hell!

Have a colorful day


  1. What a great photo (the last one!!!)...your quilt top is so great!!!! I love all the photo's...and the license plate is awesome!!!! So perfect for your new homeland!!!! Lucky you!

  2. WOW!!!! What an impressive license plate. You done good on that combination.

    Lordy, ANYONE would have panicked if that would have happened to them on the freeway while playing with semis. Glad it was something simple. Or at least it sounds simple. Who knows with all the computerization of our vehicles?

  3. Instead of the Gates to Hell how about

    Susan in PT

  4. Lordy, hope the repairs aren't prohibitive! And I'm still very glad if it had to happen that it warned you very early in the trip! Maybe we should plan on you coming up by shuttle next time and I can pick you up!
    I love your license, especially with the sunset background... how perfect! And your quilt top is amazing... I need to gather some things for our Zoom show & tell later today. Think I'll set up in the studio where you can at least see it in the background!
    BTW, your last photo is great, but I'm thinking you're bathed in sunshine, not at the gates of hell...just feels like it right now, but bet the monsoons will definitely help with the heat. They sure do up here!
    See you later...

  5. Love the plate! Sorry you had to cancel your trip to meet with Judy.

    Hope your car will be on the road again soon.

    Love the zoom. Great way to keep in touch.

  6. Lots of great color in this post. You know, I NEVER see a sunset. The sun just dips below the mountains and disappears. We hardly ever almost never have clouds to give us a show when that happens. Whoever heard of living where you never ever hardly ever get rain. I never knew their were desert mountains. Funny how you can take things for granted. Sorry you missed your trip but also glad you could connect with your friend via zoom.
    xx, Carol

  7. I love your license plate and your new quilt!
