
Saturday, July 4, 2020


I know it's the Fourth of July and I should be celebrating, but I'm feeling very down today. I've been trying to look at the bright side of sheltering alone in a new town during Covid, but the truth is I'm very lonely.  Holidays like the Fourth that I used to spend with my husband and friends just make me feel even lonelier, and because of Covid I don't feel that I can safely travel out of state to be with friends and family.

Last night an almost full moon rose above the ridge behind my house. It was magnificent. I remind myself that I am lucky to be alive and free and in the grace of such beauty.



  1. I really feel for you Sherrie. I know you had to do it, seize the opportunity and I do think you made the right decision in buying the house and moving. Just terrible timing to have the virus change everything and leave you in the lurch concerning getting to know your new community and making new friends to share life's celebrations as well as actual face time.

    This is always a difficult time of year for me and I've always turned off the phones for a few days, purposely isolating myself during a time when I really don't want interventions and interruptions. I will be thinking of you though, knowing that my choice is certainly not yours right now and hoping you find ways, like taking in that moon, to help you through.

  2. I was thinking of you yesterday, knowing how you loved to be with friends for events like the 4th. I am not as affected by the shut down, but do miss being able to see my friends, and I do my best to stay in touch by text, phone and zoom get togethers. There is a lot to be said for physical presence... being able to interact, touch (I miss hugs!) and not worry about keeping 6 fee apart!
    We are social beings, and need that contact.
    Here's hoping that once the temps start going lower, that maybe you might get to meet some neighbors (at a safe distance of course!) and at least get to chat with folks a little.
    Maybe I'll call you, and we can chat! It's a start, right? Hugs!

  3. I, too, was thinking about you yesterday. It is so difficult to be alone during this time, but especially on holidays. Sending you a great big hug.

  4. Sherrie,
    The photos you have posted show that you have found a beautiful, colorful place to live. We are all feeling sad, lonely, fearful, and discouraged. Our worlds have been turned upside down, but we have to have hope that one day, perhaps not for quite some time, things will get better.

    I’m going to repeat the advice that I offered before. You are lonely. Start visiting local animal shelters and see if you can find just the right four legged someone to join your life. Do not wait for the “right” time - you need some unconditional love right now. It’s probably not the best idea to get a puppy as you settle in to your new life, but a slightly older, already trained dog will bring you daily, non-stop happiness, motivation, and companionship. (Cats are wonderful pets,, but dogs offer protection and motivation for walks in new areas. They are also a good way to meet other people.)

    Don’t wait. Start looking. It might take some time to find the right dog for you. Personally, I do not know what I would do without my Emma, especially during these troubled times.

    I’ll get off my soap box now. :-)

  5. I think Janice comment above is right on!!!! Go adopt an older dog from the shelter. You will both bond so much at this time and the companionship will be wonderful. Now get on the phone and check out some rescues! We're pulling for you? Have you been in touch with Roberta yet? She said she knows the area you're in! And not that far from her either!

  6. Actually, I'm surprised no one has asked about you getting a rabbit, since you've had such a long relationship with Bunners and the like. I'd be wary of getting a dog, particularly if you've not owned one before. A dog, especially an older one, is a huge responsibility, and while yes, can be a great companion and quell some of the loneliness, I more likely see you snuggle up with a rabbit or two.
