
Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Spirit doll groove

"Night Energy"

Now that it's too hot to go hiking (115 yesterday!!!), I've been staying inside and making spirit dolls. At first I fumbled along trying to figure out how best to make them, but now I'm in a groove! Getting a glue gun yesterday really simplified things.

Here are the three I made yesterday and this morning -- "Night Energy," "Saguaro," and "Twilight." They range from 14 to 16 inches tall and have a hanging loop on back.

Judy Doane Sall, my friend in Flagstaff, got me started. I wrote about her here: spirit-dolls-with-tie-dye-judy.html

For the body and arms I collect branches and twigs from my yard. The curling white bark is from my acacia tree, but I'm not sure if it would hold up well on a doll. I might use it for hair.

Then I pull out scraps of fabric, yarn, beads, charms, feathers ...

This is fabric that I painted and stamped years ago, and I think it'll make good clothes for spirit dolls.

Judy uses clay faces for hers, but I've been using big buttons from my stash.

Then I just play, adding embellishments until I think it's done but not overdone.

And remember this advice:


Have a colorful day


  1. I love these spirit dolls! You have added yiue special touch to it

  2. Great post, Sherrie! You have captured the fun and adventure of making these magical dolls! And I love the quote at the end... says it all, doesn't it? ;-)

  3. Sherrie, These are great! You are in the grove for sure! Love the button faces! Great idea.
