
Thursday, February 17, 2022



I haven't written in awhile because I've been happily occupied, so it seems appropriate to post some quotes about happiness!

I hope this picture from my daughter makes you happy. She posed her four rabbits in a kissing booth for their Valentine's Day photo.

And the Arizona sunshine makes me happy almost every day. We had one day of rain this week, but it was needed and I used it to spend the day in pajamas and get things done around the house.

I sold a few more spirit dolls at Absolutely Art and am making more to replace them. That makes me happy.

Speaking of art, I got to see these native baskets behind the scenes at Tohono Chul Park where they're being prepared for exhibit. It was a tour for new members to show us the workings of the park and meet some of the people who make the magic happen.

And finally, two quotes that I strongly believe in.

Have a colorful day


  1. Beautiful post, Sherrie! Glad to hear your Spirit Dolls are finding new homes, so you can make more, lol!

  2. I love the sentiments you've shared here.

  3. Glad to hear you are enjoying life and your art! Those baskets are gorgeous. I'm always amazed at the talent that is all of us!

  4. Great post! Love hearing your spirit dolls are selling and you have found your place there. So happy for you.
