
Thursday, March 24, 2022

Spring color splash

I came across this picture on Instagram and LOVE the quilt and the lady! Yellow is one of my favorite colors for its cheeriness. It just might inspire my next piece.

I haven't done much wool embroidery because of my arthritic thumb and wrist, but last week the weather was so nice that I did a little stitching outside on this three-year-old project. My wrist hurt like hell the next day, so it's back to machine work. 

I could have surgery to fix it, but I'm not up for that right now. Also, I just found out that I have a torn rotator cuff (it's been hurting for a year) and am waiting to see what the surgeon recommends when I see him in May. I did months of physical therapy, which only made it worse, before my doctor ordered an MRI that showed the tear.

Luckily, making spirit dolls doesn't hurt my hand. I just made these two for the gallery. Instead of my usual saturated colors, I toned it down and called them "Sand Tracks" and "Sand Tracks II." I've started making them a little bigger, about 15 inches tall, and that seems to have boosted sales.

I'm still collecting inspirational and funny quotes, and this one definitely speaks to me!

I indulge in too much comfort food, but I'm still hiking to help offset that. Here's a picture I took last week at the start of a full moon hike. That's the sun setting behind a row of saguaro cactuses west of Tucson. The full moon was spectacular as it rose above the mountains, but my pictures don't do it justice so I won't show them.

Have a colorful day


  1. So sorry to hear that you still can't do hand work... but I do love your spirit dolls... very happy you are able to continue with them, they have such fun personalities, and your lovely fabrics are perfect for their garments!
    We'll have to compare notes on shoulder injuries... getting older sure ain't for sissies, right? LOL!

  2. OK...I need to email you...I too have a complete tear of rotator cuff; carpal tunnel in right wrist and moderate CT in left! Will send email. Wear a brace when doing any repetitive work!!!!
