
Monday, June 13, 2022

It's 109 outside and 93 inside!!!

My worst fears have come true -- my air conditioning went out during our hottest season!!! Arrgggghh!!!!!

It went out over the weekend so I stayed with a friend because it was over 90 in the house and rising. After striking out several times, I was able to get an AC technician out this afternoon to see if it could be fixed. It can't. It's old and dead. And I can't get the new one in for 11 more days -- all of which will be over 100.

So I did what a girl's gotta do. I went to the gelato shop. And I hung out for three hours in a nice cool restaurant with a good book. I'm waiting now in front of my fan for the AC guy to bring over a portable room unit that will at least make the bedroom bearable, but I plan to take up friends' offers to stay with them part of the time for the next 11 days.

And I'll wait with the rest of Tucson to see if our summer monsoon brings cooling rains anytime soon. The monsoon's official start date is June 15, and there's been a daily buildup of clouds promising rain. So far we've only had a few sprinkles, a rainbow and virga (rain that hangs down from the clouds but evaporates before it reaches the ground).

On the bright side, I found a great breakfast restaurant called Snooze where I had a pancake flight! (Like a beer flight or wine flight sampler, but better.) I chose sweet potato, blueberry Danish, and chocolate chip pancakes for my flight. And look at the French toast selection!!!

Have a cool day


  1. Hope you don't melt in a puddle before your new A/C gets put in! Praying for rain and cooler temps to come soon!

  2. I've been concerned while watching your predicted temps but I didn't think about you losing your a/c and 11 days is a long time to wait for a replacement, although it could be worse. Thank goodness the company had an emergency unit to loan to help cool down the bedroom. It puts me in mind of our years in Walla Walla when temps over a hundred and nights refusing to cool much could happen and us in an old house with a single window air-conditioner. We too had a friend who allowed us to spend time at their fully air-conditioned house - a godsend for sure.

    Keep the gelato coming!!!

  3. Oh no! Of all the times for the air to go out! Glad you have some alternatives. Sure hope you'll have cooler temps soon. Wish I could send you some cool weather but it was 100 here yesterday and will be today. I am staying inside. Love the pancake flight! Yum!

  4. First, food looks great!!! I love that type of breakfast...SO, SO sorry about the air conditioner situation!!!! That's rough for sure...hard to breath. We're havd 96 degrees on my way home this afternoon. At least we'll get a break next week. Fingers crossed your situation gets resolved quickly!
