
Saturday, June 25, 2022

It's cool again!

Yessiree, there was celebrating last night! My new HVAC system was installed yesterday and I can finally relax in comfort in my own home for the first time in almost two weeks!

It was a big production, with a crane pulling up to the house at 7 a.m. to lift out the old compressor and deliver the new one. They had to get it over a rock wall with no gate, which is why they needed a crane.

Then a crew swung into action and got everything hooked up and tested while I sat outside in the shade because it was 95 degrees inside. By 1:30 it was pumping blissfully cool air into the house and by 5 it was cooled down to 77 degrees.

The night before I stayed with Beth and got lots of love in the morning from her dog, Sunshine, on the right, and a friend's dog, Lexi.

And before that I stayed with a friend across town for a few days. Here he is "orchestrating" the monsoon sunset. (Actually, he was taking a picture.) We didn't get rain in that part of town, but we had plenty of dramatic clouds. When the monsoon rain finally comes it will cool things off outside.

Have a colorful day


  1. So glad you're back in a cool space, and thank goodness with friends who will let you "crash" with them during your crisis!

  2. I think that girl on the left lived in my college dorm . . . lol

    Yeah for working a/c! Now you know who your friends are for sure. :-)
