
Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Another happy bowl

I made another yellow bowl because yellow is the happiest color! The rope and strips of fabric ran out at the same time, which made it easy to decide when to stop.

I added a little hot pink and orange to make it sizzle, since it's getting hot here in Tucson. We haven't hit three digits yet this year, but we're getting close. Saturday is predicted to be 97.

The yellow prickly pear flowers are also blooming.

And in three days I'll be in Spokane smothering this little girl with kisses!!! She's grown so much in four months and I miss her every day. She's getting strong and is making cute babbling sounds and is so alert. I'm thankful for FaceTime and for my daughter being able to send videos and photos at the click of a button. I probably watch her videos fifty times a day.

Have a colorful day

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that is a beautiful bowl! Definitely full of sunshine and flowers!
    Enjoy your visit with your sweet grand baby... can't wait to hear about the visit and how much she's changed since you saw her last!
