
Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Getting centered with quilting

Time to focus on quilting again. I started this one last month, hoping to finish it in time for a May 1 deadline. I didn't, but that's OK because now I can take my time and let it evolve.

Here's a full view. It's about 18 by 45 inches. The batting around the edges won't show when it's done, and I'll probably do more quilting to emphasize the spiral movement.

I started by painting a big piece of cotton with Pebeo Setacolor transparent fabric paints, then I cut squares (free hand, not measuring) to use in the design. I wanted the edges to be free, so I only put little bits of fusible webbing in the center of the squares.

Instead of agonizing over how to quilt it, I decided to just go with free-form spirals (no marking) in gold thread. I love spirals.

The two spirals looked a little lost, so I scattered bigger squares around -- the message coming out was that while I want to feel centered, I always feel a little scattered. I tacked the bigger squares down with more gold thread in a little zigzag stitch and left the tails long because I like the way the gold tails reflect light.

Here's the little mess on the floor that I work from, pulling bits of this and that and pinning them on the quilt. I thought I might use a lot of transparent overlays, but ended up just putting one sheer gray circle in the center. ... Cloudy mind that needs centering?

I think I'll go with some meditative beading to emphasize the spirals and center the mind. Comments welcome!

Have a colorful day!


  1. This is beautiful,Sherrie, I sure wish it had been finished in time for the Deep Spaces deadline. I can totally relate to the deadline issue, though ... I struggle with them myself. Please be sure to post pictures once it is finished!

  2. The colors are gorgeous and I really like your idea of emphasizing the spiral movement. Thanks for posting your blog.

  3. My newest post on my blog called Ice Age is about this very subject. I do work better with deadlines, but at times, the inspiration just won't come.
