
Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day

My beautiful daughter sitting with me for a portrait at the Tacoma Art Museum as part of its Mighty Tacoma project last year.

Happy Mother's Day to all of you moms out there. I don't have any Mother's Day quilts to post, but I can show my wonderful daughter and son and the guy who made them possible, as well as my own lovely mother.

My son took me out for breakfast when I visited him last year.

Like father, like son. Keith sports the long hair that Dave used to have when he was young.

My own mom and dad, at Tacoma's Bridge of Glass.

A Mother's Day quote:

"A mother is a person who seeing there are only
four pieces of pie for five people,
promptly announces
she never did care for pie."
-- Tenneva Jordan

I guess this makes me a bad mom. I would say: "Don't touch my piece!" But my loving family understands.
On the other hand, who needs pie when you have this:

Homemade chocolate sauce from Julia.

Have a colorful day!


  1. Happy Mother's Day - it's fun to see everyone's family on this special day.

  2. What a couple of sweeties! The guys aren't so bad either. And I love the Jordan quotation - that was my mother in spades! I'm probably more like you! Do I detect that you look a bit more like your dad than your mom?

  3. Wow! You and Julia could be twins! Glad you had a good mothers day :)

