
Tuesday, May 3, 2011

New quilt

"Other Worlds," by Sherrie Spangler  (18" x 45")

I haven't posted much about my art quilts lately, so here's one I just finished a few weeks ago to enter in a juried contest. Earlier posts showed the freshly painted fabric and some of the machine quilting in progress. (click here) I layered swatches of hand-painted silk organza over the background to create more depth of color and texture.

Have a colorful day!


  1. Oh this is very pretty. Love the colors, shapes and movement!

  2. This quilt is so beautiful, hope it was chosen for the show. Also, there's a great article on Gig Harbor in the May issue of Coastal Living, looks like a great place to live.

  3. ...stunning...simply--WOW! Fantastic colors, layers, stitching--Love it so much!

  4. LOVE IT! I love the colors, the balance, the rhythm, texture...heck, lady, you managed to land it all! Very well done. Congratulations!

    Lisa Quintana

  5. I absolutely love everything about this piece. It has it all. A job well done.
