
Friday, June 22, 2012

More wishes for Judi

Origami cranes that someone made for Judi
with wishes for a return of good health.

Last month (  I asked you to send up prayers, thoughts, meditations for my good friend and quilt artist, Judi, who faces a serious health issue. Soon after that, her medical team came up with a plan and she's now on her way from Oregon to the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota for more testing and treatment. She'll probably be there six weeks, then will face more decisions. So I'm asking again for your thoughts and prayers for Judi.

Thanks to all of you who responded -- the e-mails and comments here poured in, and I forwarded each and every one on to Judi.

I visited Judi a few weeks ago -- she's the tall one
and that's her studio with a work in progress.


  1. My younger daughter made 1,000 origami cranes and I made prayer flags for my older daughter's boyfriend before major surgery. He is doing great and I know our creations helped! Thinking good thoughts for your friend.

  2. You are a very good friend. We should all be so fortunate in times of uncertainty. I will remember to pray for her.
