
Thursday, June 28, 2012

Random rosy colors

I can't bear to have that black quilt in the last post at the top of a blog called Sherrie Loves Color, so I've pulled some pretty rosy shots that I've taken recently.

My quilter friend Janet was rosy and cheerful from the tips of her cool brocade shoes to her lush beaded necklace last week when we were staffing the tables at a quilt shop hop.

This luscious pink fabric was dyed by Andrea, the quilter friend who hosted our dye fest that I blogged about here:

My favorite flowers are in the pink-purple-orange range, so my camera is always zooming in on them:

The ones above and below are from our yard this month.

These vivid pink and yellow ones are in Victoria, B.C.

And last but not least, a dusky sunset with billowy clouds over Gig Harbor:

Have a colorful day!


  1. I have a quilt art friend who says that she rarely puts anything pink in her work. I say, bring it on. I love it in any shade.

  2. Love the pastels... warm and cozy..Looks like a great place to dye fabrics...

  3. I've always loved pink, so you got me on the 1st shot. Beautifully done!
