Hand to Big Toe pose -- Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana |
I haven't done yoga since I left for Sedona three weeks ago because I only like to do it in class. But my daughter-in-law, Rachel, is a yoga teacher, and she's visiting us this week. So I asked her to do some yoga poses on our hikes -- that way I haven't totally lost the yoga connection!
Crow pose, or Bakasana |
I can sorta do the top pose, but the next three require way more arm and core strength than I have. She's young and I'm not, or at least that's my excuse.
Eight Angle pose, or Astavakrasana |
Flying Splits pose, or Eka Pada Koundinyasana |
This next one, Tree pose, is more my style.
Tree pose, or Vrksasana |
And what fuels this vegan yogi? Here's her breakfast: avocado and almond butter toast with a banana and strawberries. Yooooom.
Have a healthy day