
Monday, April 30, 2018

Good-bye old house, hello new

"For I have promises to keep
and miles to mop before I sleep!"

I spent three hours today at the old house on my hands and knees mopping miles of wood laminate flooring. Hubby, thinking he was helping by clearing out the old house, took my mops and left me with just a broom, vacuum and a few rags to do the floors. It was actually easier on my back than standing and mopping.

Some things I'll miss most about the old house are the Buddha statue, which belongs to the landlord, and the view, although today's view was awfully grey.

The new house is still a rental, but I love the traditional warmth and feeling of living in a big park. I've never been attracted to traditional houses, but I stunned myself by feeling right at home when we moved into this one! I may have to rethink that house we're planning to build and incorporate some warm, traditional elements.

Meanwhile, there's still a lot of unpacking and organizing to be done.

 Have a colorful day


  1. I DO like that bay sitting area - it does look very inviting. Glad you are warming to your new digs.

  2. At least now you can start to settle in and not worry about finding a place, and you have that wonderful yard full of flowers to enjoy! Bet you could find a buddha statue of your very own! And I love the bay window alcove... very cozy! Hurry up and get that unpacking done so you can enjoy your new space!
