
Saturday, May 5, 2018

A peaceful stroll through Bloedel Reserve

Earlier this week, Dave and I headed to one of our favorite spots for a tranquil walk through nature, the Bloedel Reserve on Bainbridge Island.

Virginia and Prentice Bloedel bought the property in 1951 and owned it for more than 30 years, sculpting it into a magical place of forests, meadows, water and flowers. Now the home and surrounding nature are a reserve open to the public for strolling and contemplation.

I like that the brochure asks visitors to, "Silence your cell phone, minimize use, and keep voices low. ... Kindly use museum-like etiquette and allow all our guests, and the wildlife you may discover along the trails, to quietly enjoy the tranquility of the Bloedel experience."

It was a warm, sunny spring day, with light splashing through the trees and flowers in bloom.

Tucked throughout the reserve are moss-covered wooden benches in forest glades and along lush shorelines.

The first floor of the Bloedels' former house is open to visitors and affords a spectacular view over the water.

Volunteers create flower arrangements for each room, and I snapped our photo in front of this arrangement of lilacs and greenery.

In case you're interested, I've written other posts about spring and fall at Bloedel:



Hope you enjoyed the scenery!

Have a colorful day


  1. Sherrie, Thanks for taking us with you on your stroll! What a beautiful place. Love the portrait of you two!!

  2. Beautiful, and I agree with Lynda... your picture with the lilacs is lovely! Looks like you had a very nice day in a beautiful place!

  3. Wish I lived closer so I could stroll through this beautiful place too from time to time. I applaud their open request to treat this place with the reverence it deserves.

  4. Bloedel Reserve looks so peaceful and lovely. About 4 miles from our home in Florida, there is a park dogs allowed, very peaceful, benches throughout for you to sit and contemplate...I took my friend, Sally, there before she passed last spring. She loved it....
